8 Weeks
Since I am playing catch-up on my blog, here is the information from our 8 week check up with our doctor. I am seeing Dr. Hernandez, who is an OB/GYN in Mansfield and delivers at the new hospital. Kyle went with me to the first appointment, which was August 11, 2009. Dr. H did a vaginal sonogram and we got to hear the heartbeat and see the little peanut. He said everything looked great and answered a bunch of our questions. He was very friendly and thorough, which we liked. Here is one of the pictures he took. After I got home I was looking at the sonogram thinking, "I can't really even tell it's a baby!" Then I remembered that he said the baby was upside down. I flipped the sonogram over and sure enough, I could make out it's little head and feet. It made it feel so much more real! Our little babe is already so cute! Kyle said that day "I think it looks like a boy." I opened the picture in photoshop, flipped it and added the typing to point out the parts.
We go back September 10 for our 12 week check up and will have another ultrasound done. We are looking forward to seeing L.C. again!
Your little bean looks so cute!!! Congrats again girl. I can't wait for all the great pictures you'll be taking of baby Coots!
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