It's a.......BOY!
On October 6, 2009, Kyle and I went to see Dr. Hernandez for our 16 week check-up. I was soooo excited about this appointment because I was sure he would be able to tell us the sex of the baby. He said he was 80% sure it was a boy at my 12 week appointment, but since then I had taken an over the counter urine test that "predicts" the sex of your baby and it had a girl result. Our appointment was at 3:30, so the school day went by really slow! We were so disappointed when Dr. H wasn't able to tell us for sure what we were having!! Little L.C. was not being cooperative and would not give a clear shot! Dr. H said that our baby was just nice and comfy and a little modest. We were told that he could maybe boost the percentage to 85% boy, but he was too unsure to say 100%. When I went to check out and schedule my next appointment they told me that I would have to wait another month to come back in. :(
I decided to call a local sonogram place in Mansfield that specializes in 3d sonograms and also does 2d. They said they could see me that Saturday! Kyle and I woke up early and headed to our appointment very anxious and excited! It was a really nice place that projected the sonogram picture onto a big screen tv. Just as the woman put the machine to my belly I said "I just hope the baby cooperates a little more this time." She immediately said "I already know what it is, I just saw "it" fly by." Ha ha! We were so happy and shocked that she could already tell! She ended up taking a few 3d pictures for free and put everything on a dvd for us to take home. We also got a cd of all of the digital pictures. All of that for just $69.00! It was well worth the price!! Here are a few of the pictures she took:
This one looks a little creepy to me because it looks kind of like a smiling skeleton!
And here is the proof that we will have a bouncing baby boy in a few months!
This is one of the 3d pictures. It is sort of hard to see, so I labeled the parts.
That little foot already has lots of cute shoes to put on it!
And here is one of the pictures that Dr. Hernandez took. It is one of my favorites. He said Lane just likes to lay back and relax like he is in a hammock. His little leg looks so long and skinny here! Knowing our baby is a boy makes everything seem so real! Now we can actually call it by name and not have to say "the baby!" I have already done
some alot of shopping! Right after our appointment Kyle and I went to Target and picked out an outfit and a few other items for Lane. Then that afternoon Kori and I went to the mall and I bought Lane his first pair of tennis shoes! I can't wait to see him in them! Maybe he will like shoes as much as his Mommy!
{being a boy mom ROCKS!}
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